Milford, DE 19963 • 302-359-5534 •
Live Cheap & Make Art Studios
Milford, DE 19963
United States
ph: 302-359-5534
Visit my home studio by appointment.
Call me at 302-359-5534 or email
Delaware artists, we were born and raised in New York City - where Bob swept me off my feet and we were married. We spent 30 years in Arizona raising our two kids while juggling college, studying fine art, photography and graphic design, before selling our home in Phoenix and moving to Italy, fulfilling our dream to "live cheap and make art."
It was an amazing experience, and if you click here - Our Italy Blog - you'll find our stories, photographs and journal paintings from Umbria, Sicily, the Veneto and the Amalfi Coast.
My precious husband Bob died peacefully and with the dignity he deserved on December 23, 2015, a day before his 68th birthday when the cancer he battled for two years finally took his life. Mine will never be the same without him by my side.
Together, we loved to travel, we lived in Italy, and were constantly inspired by the world around us. Our funny name always makes people smile. Truth is, we strived to live a simple life devoted to making and appreciating art, focused on experiences, not stuff and I will go on doing that now on my own.
I still live in the charming small town of historic Milford, Delaware always looking for interesting subjects to sketch. I must admit to not updating Our USA Blog very often these days since I post regularly on Facebook. But there are interesting stories for you there, if you care to look. I am a Board Member of the Mispillion Art League in Milford, a member of Milton Arts Guild and the Rehoboth Art League in Rehoboth Beach and Urban Sketchers. I am a founding member of Urban Sketchers Delaware an all-volunteer group of sketchers dedicated to fostering a community of artists in the First State who practice on-location drawing. I am also the Chairperson for The Big Draw Festival DE, that takes place in the month October, part of the world's biggest celebration of drawing, The Big Draw.
I hope you like what you see and welcome your comments. If I can answer any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Sign up for my free e-Newsletter! You'll get all the latest news about upcoming workshops and exhibits, plus info about the arts
Buy my book on Amazon "Two Years in Italy" the story of living in Italy with Bob, that includes over 60 color photographs andn paintings and a few Italian family recipes! The book is available in hardcover, paperback and eBook.
Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I'm also on Alignable
"As a motto, 'live cheap and make art' sounds like a denial of the good things while sacrificing to create something beautiful. But Bob and Rosemary Connelly, a Milford photographer and watercolorist who espouse this motto,are a husband and wife who don't seem to be suffering at all. For them,"live cheap and make art" is simply prizing experience over stuff." --Gary Soulsman, DE News Journal
All content, words and images are copyright Rosemary Connelly and Live Cheap & Make Art Studios and may not be reproduced without written permission. All rights reserved.
Live Cheap & Make Art Studios
Milford, DE 19963
United States
ph: 302-359-5534